My love/hate relationship with computers continues -- I'm posting from my parents' computer because the Internet connection on my computer is suddenly not working. It was connected to this main computer via router and it's been working flawlessly in the recent past, but...alas. So now this is the only computer connected, and we're not gonna fiddle with it too much for now since I have to register online for my university courses on Tuesday morning. Bah.
Now on to my post...
I've kind of been putting off posting for the past few days, since the incidents that took place in London on the 7th. I didn't feel ready to post anything about London but also didn't feel that I could, in good conscience, post about anything else
without first posting about London. I don't know why, really, and it's strange, but...somehow, the attacks in London affected me more strongly than the tragedy that occurred in New York City on September 11, 2001. The New York attacks were...bigger, I think, and in general were "worse", if either of these incidents can be called "better" than the other. New York is also geographically much closer to where I live, and yet...I felt worse this time, and felt it immediately upon learning of what had happened. I don't know. For New York, I felt sort of numb, disbelieving, sad...but in a semi-detached kind of way. This was different. Maybe it's because I'd never been to NYC before the attacks, and I was just in London a little more than a month ago. I just find it all very strange, but of course, how I'M feeling about what happened is of no importance compared to the feelings of those who have been personally affected by it. I hope everybody's loved ones are safe.
Now on to my regularly-scheduled petty programming...
LiveJournal, I joined the
daily_book community, which gives a poll every day for a different book -- whether people have read it or not and what those who read it thought of it. So, I've been having to answer "no" since I found the community, and I was starting to think that either (a) I don't read enough books, or (b) I do read, but not the
right books. Heh. Finally, though, I've been able to answer "yes" for the most recent 2 posts. I got to rate them and everything! Heh. Good thing I read
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn some year for school and
Suz lent me
Generation X a few years ago.
In other news, I went with
Tiff to
Corner House Restaurant, which is literally what it is -- an old house in a residential area, converted into a restaurant, and located right on a corner. I'd never heard of it before, but then I don't really keep up with the restaurants anyway, but it was quite nice in more of a laid-back kind of way, and I think we had the best table in the house. Who knew "Baby Spinach Salad with shaved sugar pears, Gorgonzola, Candied pecans, apple cider vinaigrette", which I wasn't sure would be that good, would turn out so well? :) (Suz -- we had vegetable
fricassée. Heh. Though according to
this, veggie fricassée kind of, um, doesn't exist, or at least normally involves some sort of poultry or meat. Huh.)
Went to see
Fantastic Four today, and -- apparently, I'm still comparing every movie I see to
Kingdom of Heaven, which I must have really not liked, since every movie I compare it to is better than it is. That's not the way that was supposed to work.
KOH should just...take itself back to the editing room, stick back in all the chunks of storyline that got chopped out of it, and then bring itself back out of that room when it's actually watchable. I've got high hopes for the
Director's Cut DVD, but that might be unwise.
There might be more to say, but honestly, I'm so tired right now that I can't remember what that would be. Only other "news" I'll mention is that I've started my Computer Auditing course, which is not, sadly, called Computer Oddity, which is what Suz's mom thought I'd said it was. She thought Computer Oddity sounded like something out of
Hitchhiker's, which was amusing. I've no doubt that would be a much more enthralling class. Heh.
Anyway, I'm off to bed [shortly] so I'll end this here. Hope all goes well with all, and to all a good night. :)
Oh, and p.s. - the Government of Ontario, Canada, visited my site. Like, dude, man. They only (I think) read my post regarding
Toronto Unlimited, but still... that kinda creeps me out just a little bit. :)